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Host Institutions

Politecnico di Milano & Rice University

Politecnico di Milano

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The beneficiary institution of our MSCA Global Fellowship PATHWAYS is the Physics Department of Politecnico di Milano, Italy.

The project is supervised by Prof. Giuseppe Della Valle, leading  a research group on theoretical  photonics at the CEMLAB .

Since 2020, he is Principal Investigator of  the  H2020 FET-Open EU project METAFAST

More info at   this link

The associated partner for our    outgoing phase is the Physics and Astronomy  Department at Rice University, Houston (TX), United States.

The project is co-supervised by  Prof. Peter Nordlander,   world leader in nanophotonics, with several pioneering theories and  breakthroughs.


His recent activities have revolutionised  plasmon photocatalysis, for which he just co-won the prestigious Eni Transition Award.


More info at this link

Rice  University

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